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Alpha Atlas, also known as Monica Figueiras, is the lead Artist, Animator and director. Atlas came up with the idea for the movie and changed so much from the beginning. Atlas had an obsession with drawing wolves back in 2015, therefore creating the idea of the movie, The Challenge of the Elements. We started off simple with simple characters and a simple story line, but that soon changed. Atlas since then thought of a new story line and new characters, but she kept two the same, which was End and Elias. Atlas is also the lead for the storyboard.


Atlas and Braun do work together but they do go ahead to do their own thing in their own art styles until they come to an agreement on which one is better. This would usually be debated about the backgrounds, but since they dont do not have drawing tablets (Atlas never owned one and Braun lost her tablet pen...again), they work with either paper or their laptops with GIMP, Krita and the old version of Photoshop Elements.


WARNING: If you do create fan-art and send it to her, be warned that she will be unhappy about Tortured Characters, which we learnt during a group chat and Atlas' and Brauns friend, Emoki, sent a character they use in their roleplays, tortured. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! -Caitlin Collyer

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