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Beta Braun, also known a Caitlin Collyer, is not really the creator, but she helped come up with the idea. Although she doesnt have much to do, she helps with finding the music and the cast. She also comes up with some ideas and she also sometimes references them to some games, books and tv shows. For example. As there are four territories, she based this off her and Atlas' favourite book, Warrior cats. Also the opening, is based off Spirit Stallions opening but with some words changed.


Braun also loves to 'torment' the characters. In most of hers and Atlas' roleplays, she kills off characters often, but that doesnt compare to Atlas' skill to make a sad scene during that death. But she has creative ways of killing off characters. No, drowning isnt one of them.


WARNING- Should you attempt to feed Braun, you will have no hand and she will chase after you for more food as she eats when shes in any sort of emotion. -Literally everyone


(This also applies with Atlas)

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