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Elias’s Pov



The story I want to tell you cannot be told fully by the elders. They say the history of Aenanor cannot be told from the eyes of a wolf, not even from the heart of one...not till now. Legends were born here, in the place that’s soon to be history, but to us, the realm was ageless, it had no beginning and no end. No boundary between earth and sky. Like the Birds of the sky and the deer of the grass, we belong here, we will always belong here. They say a heart of the wolf becomes the spirit of the realm, whether that heart was good or evil in the end, they decide for themselves. But the story I want to tell you is true, I was there, and I remember, I remember the sun and the rain and the whispers calling my name, in the time we all lived free.


But there was one wolf, that caught my eye, her fur was like coal but her eyes were brighter than the northern star. She may not be like any other wolf, but she was the most kindest and the smartest wolf I had ever met. They call her End. She was the love of my life at the time, still is, even in Alnitak. You see, End was a good she-wolf but she had her dark side, and that consumed her after she had our pup, Bolt, one of the happiest days of my life that was. My little Bolt, white as snow and eyes like the bright, healthy grass below my paws. Bolt, even for a pup, was quite smart and quickly took notice that his mother had left him, he did ask where she was and I could only lie to keep his pure heart and soul intact. But soon, being the smart pup he is, he saw through those lies and hated me for it, but I never blamed him, it was my fault after all... soon enough, he met other pups from the other packs, they met EVERY day at the border, not that we minded though, it was good for pups to meet others, gave them leadership skills for the future, along with making treaties between the packs. But, soon things changed....


Pups from the packs started doing the same, the elders never liked the idea, they said it was dangerous, we never listened to their warning, which cost us the lives of many pups. on a rainy day, Bolt had been ill in our den, the other 3 didn’t dare leave their homes since it was dangerous, but a few pups thought it was safe, we thought it was fine, I mean, Bolt and the others did it all the time, but us adults forgot that the Nemesis became stronger on dark, rainy days like that, and so, the pups were attacked, killed and never found, the elders banned all the pups from seeing each other afterwards, I understood, I didn't want my Bolt to get hurt. When Bolt got told this, he was heartbroken that he would never see his best friends again. So, when he was better, he snuck out at midnight to see his friends, not caring for the danger, I didn’t know of this until later on, I was angry at him for disrespecting my wishes and had warriors patrol everyday and night, Bolt wasn’t happy, you could tell that, but it was for his safety, him being a young pup, he didn’t understand that yet. He never listened, he never knew that someday, he could get himself killed. But that was not the most of my worries, each night before patrol, I thought something was just watching our pack, studying us, waiting to attack.
until, they finally did, they fought like the whole of the abyss pack was with them... we lost so many bright, young wolves that day, among them were many wise elders. The other packs were furious with what happened, they doubled their patrols and made sure the same wouldn't happen to them, they thought it wouldn’t wrong they were... the next few days was like the Abyss was on Aenanor, the packs all lost wolves, pups, elders, family and friends, it was horrible, the smell that was left by the bodies was worse, we only had a limited space to put the bodies in and with so many wolves gone, it was difficult to know where to put them. Some decided to even join the Abyss pack, those who refused when they asked...they were never seen again.


And where was Bolt in all of this? Well, he was running around with his friends, they luckily were on one of their little adventures when the attacks happened so he was safe, at least I thought so at the time. One night, I heard cries coming from those pups, I gathered wolves as quick as I could and I saw Bolt and his friends cornered by some dark coloured wolf with wings..... there was only one wolf I knew, besides myself, who had wings..... End. Although, I wish I didn’t have to. I had to fight her in order to protect the pups. She was more skilled than last time, more agile, it was hard for me to keep up on the ground, my paws hurt from the friction between them and the stone ground, so I took it to the air, where I had always been more skilled at than End...... she managed to prove me wrong... End, who had become more skilled, managed to throw me to the ground, the pups had ran away thankfully. I could tell she didn’t want to fight me so she flew away, back to where she had gone all those months ago. This gave me time to think. When I got back to the pack, I saw the other pups were there too, telling the Alpha what had happened, this got me worried, I didn’t have a clue what the Alpha was going to say, my tail was fluffed up with anticipation. Thankfully, the Alpha talked to me after, thanking me for saving the pups. He had told me the pups, all four of them had gone to the elders, I wanted to know but the Alpha didn’t allow me, it had been really frustrating at the time but I’m glad I didn’t find out. But this still worried me, what if something was wrong? What if they got hurt? I had to do something about it, so I went to my older brother, Axel. Axel was probably the most feared wolf in the whole realm, he was strong and loyal...just like our father, he took after him too, grey fur with weird markings all over his it, though, that was what he was known for, since his fur was dark, he could easily blend into dark environments. I asked him to keep an eye on the pups while I scouted around for End. I did not want those pups to be killed. He agreed, he had just finished his last mission and needed to keep active and going on this journey would help him, I knew he would be loyal to the pups and help them....... boy was I wrong. I thought I could trust my one and only brother, he was loyal to the family for many years until father disappeared when our mother died. Our grandfather was also killed when he and our father went to war, so when we were young, we were looked after by our uncle, our uncle was never a nice wolf, I thankfully never listened to his teachings, unfortunately, Axel did...... and....... it broke him......






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